The little blessings

Sometimes in life we have those moments of pure beauty that bring tears to our eyes. I am not an overly emotional person and if you ask most of my friends they will tell you I am not very touchy feely. I think part of this is because I give so much of myself to […]

Throwing myself out there.

This week has been a really long week for me and a bit of a rough one emotionally as well. I started this blog to let people in on my journey not just superficially, but also my emotional journey. I am finding that sometimes this isn’t as easy as I would like it to be, […]

Shallow and lifeless

My last blog has had me thinking. I love talking about my adventures, but instead of giving a play by play of my amazing days I should instead reflect on the impact it has had on my life. Adventures aren’t about the cool shit you do, it’s about how the cool shit helps you grow. […]