New site

Hey all I am moving the blog over to a new site! I decided to take the leap and get my own site. Kinks and all I am digging the freedom. So, if you want to keep updated check it out.  

What’s this wet stuff falling from my eyes? 

Welp, I cried tonight. We all know how much I love crying and it happened tonight; over a male. You see (I think I’ve mentioned him before but really my “mom brain” is just horrible lately) I’ve been in purgatory with this guy at work for a few months now. It’s frustrating as fuck and […]

She believed she could….

I am a firm believe in the universe or fate or whatever you want to label it. Through my adventures and travels I have had numerous “universe” talking to me experiences. This week I have had a few situations in which I needed to stand up for myself and just let the universe do it’s […]

This body is my own.

Today is the first day of play stuff. I am nervous as fuck. Like, really, really nervous. I have had quite the week and there have been a few times that I have been convinced the higher beings hate my guts. It’s been emotional to say the least, but today I had a break through. A […]

Goodbye comfort zone; Hello something new!

As most of you know my blog tends to be about love, adventures, and my experiences. Typically, these things lead me to learning something new about myself or adding a kick ass story to my repertoire. While I have been in Omaha I have been trying to get out of my comfort zone and try […]


“It’s just that at night/ I’ve got no where to hide/ so I write you a lullaby” – jack’s mannequin  I once asked Mr. Musician to write me a lullaby. He had started it, but I don’t believe I ever received a finished version. Sometimes being a robot really wears on me and I decide […]

That one time I epically fucked up….

I like to act like Im a robot. You know, someone who doesn’t show emotions or really have them. It’s easier to have people hurt you or judge you or call you various names if you’re a robot. It’s also easier to mask how harshly you judge yourself and the standards that you hold yourself […]