New site

Hey all I am moving the blog over to a new site! I decided to take the leap and get my own site. Kinks and all I am digging the freedom. So, if you want to keep updated check it out.  

What’s this wet stuff falling from my eyes? 

Welp, I cried tonight. We all know how much I love crying and it happened tonight; over a male. You see (I think I’ve mentioned him before but really my “mom brain” is just horrible lately) I’ve been in purgatory with this guy at work for a few months now. It’s frustrating as fuck and […]

Goodbye comfort zone; Hello something new!

As most of you know my blog tends to be about love, adventures, and my experiences. Typically, these things lead me to learning something new about myself or adding a kick ass story to my repertoire. While I have been in Omaha I have been trying to get out of my comfort zone and try […]

That one time I epically fucked up….

I like to act like Im a robot. You know, someone who doesn’t show emotions or really have them. It’s easier to have people hurt you or judge you or call you various names if you’re a robot. It’s also easier to mask how harshly you judge yourself and the standards that you hold yourself […]

A nomads lament

I’m sitting outside a cafe next to Yale university drinking a tea and reflecting on a feeling I have often when exploring. That feeling is loneliness. I recently read a blog that said all of these amazing thing about being a traveler and how it changes you; it does. There are so many amazing things […]

Good thing I am not a control freak

Hands shaking, butterflies in your stomach, heart jumping, too excited to sleep, and the need to be in constant motion isn’t love, for me. All of those things are how I feel due to the prospect of another adventure. Some people are adrenaline junkies and I am convinced I am one in my own way. […]

Full circle

Ten months and four days it spent in Australia. Arriving back on US soil today made me realize I’ve come full circle in that time. I am still having a hard time grasping that it’s been ten months and even more surprisingly in those ten months I created a very good life with great people. […]